Monday, 16 November 2015

Forever preview

The wait is finally over. You can move back from the edges of your seats to a more comfortable sitting position and enjoy our new single "Forever" (or not enjoy it, according to personal preference).

It's available to buy from the 11th December, via the good people at North Of Chepstow Records, and digitally via our Bandcamp page - (you can pre-order it now).

There's also a video for those of you out there in digital-land who like visuals with your music. You can see that here.

We'll tease you with further info and other titbits over the next few weeks, so you'll probably end up slowly moving to the edges of your seats again, sorry.

Oh yes, we now have a Twitter account too - We are apparently @dubrobots. If you came to this page via Twitter, you'll already know this, and if you click that link you'll just end up going round and round in a Groundhog Day-style feedback loop for all eternity (or until you stop clicking the links, whichever comes soonest).

See ya later punking instigator!

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